
Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Terrible Excuse for a Blogger! - 10 Different Ways to Apologise

Hiya Peeps!

So, as you can see by today's title, I am accepting that I have been a terrible human being. I made a pact with myself and you guys that I'd upload regularly (on a Sunday) and since I made that official, I haven't really stuck to it. It was all well and good me making the commitment to post on that day, but I'm a super busy human being and apparently also quite a lazy one. So this is me apologising without a real excuse, but hey, at least I'm trying! 

Today's post is kind of a filler ahead of Sunday's, and I thought I'd stick with something kind of topical. As I'm saying sorry, I thought why not give you '10 Different Ways to Apologise'. I've spent quite a while (at least an hour) trying to think of creative things to put here, so here it goes.

1. Hug them
Sometimes just simply giving someone a cuddle can do all the talking.
(Me and my best friend not apologising to each other, but it's a nice huggy photo. Sorry, Chris!)

2. Send them a video
More often than not, knowing what to say in person is really difficult. Whether you make a video (like the one above) or send someone their favourite video to cheer them up, it can sometimes be a good apology.
(I borrowed this video from YouTube! All credit to the person who made it.)

3. Write a song / poem
This is for all the lyrical folk among us. If words just aren't enough, or you can't say them in the right way, sing them! When things rhyme, they sound a lot cuter.

4. Buy a gift 
It doesn't have to be an expensive gift; in fact, it doesn't need to have cost anything at all. Gifts, like hugs, can sometimes speak the words you don't know how to say. Flowers are always a winner, as are chocolates (in my eyes).  For the arty and crafty people, there's always a handmade gift and if you're rolling in the money, your friend will almost always appreciate a car!

5. Write a letter
A letter is a really great way to say sorry. If you're not ready or able to be face to face with who you're apologising to, a letter works really well. It allows some space between people and gives them time to think. It also shows that you're sincere and you've taken time and effort to write it.

6. Dress up funny and pay them a visit
This is more for those of us who are really awkward with confrontation and have real panic when it comes to apologising (me!). It adds a bit of comedic value to the situation and nothing says sorry like me dressed up as a really pathetic looking mouse! 
(This wasn't an actual apology, this is me and my friend on Halloween but it's the best picture of me dressed up that I could find. Sorry, Jack!)

7. Cook something 
This would never work for me as I'm a terrible excuse for a chef, but for some of you it will. Baking a cute cake or someone's favourite meal could be the perfect way to cheer them up. Just make sure everything is cooked properly before serving it; you don't want to make someone ill as well as mad at you.

8. Public apology
When I use the term 'public apology', I'm actually being quite vague. In my eyes, this can vary from anything to saying a big sorry in a restaurant full of people to posting an apology tweet or blog post (hey, isn't that exactly what this is?!). Basically, it's public in the sense that other people will see it and see how sorry you are, and hopefully that way, so will the other person. (Please don't go with a cringey Facebook status, though. That really bugs me!)

9. Apologise through somebody else
Sometimes saying 'sorry' to someone's face is really difficult, especially if you're shy or uncomfortable with confrontation. If writing a letter isn't something that would work for you, why not talk to someone else about how sorry you feel. That way they may share how you feel, and it can sometimes be really sincere. If the person you've upset hears how sorry you are, maybe they'll accept your (sort of) apology.

10. Just say 'Sorry' (and mean it).
But finally, when it comes down to it, sometimes the best way to apologise is to just say 'sorry'. A face to face apology is probably the most heartfelt and sincere of apologies and it usually means the most. If you really mean it, it'll come across in your face and body language, and with a bit of luck, all will be fixed!

So there you have it, peeps. I truly am sorry! If I could write a song for you all or pay you all a visit dressed a chicken, I would. I hope this helps you if you have something to apologise for / someone to apologise to. If you liked this post, please let me know on Twitter @amyjcollins. Follow me, and I'll follow back and we can chat. Please follow (bloglovin') and share this post where you can. It really means the world to me!

Thank you so much for sticking around and being patient with me,
Take care, stay beautiful and DREAM BIG!
All the love in the world, 

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