
Monday, 3 June 2013

Big Life Updates - Aaaaah!


Hiya Peeps!

Okay, so I've been slightly out of touch because I thought finishing University would mean I had all the time in the world on my hands, but it turns out that's not the case. I feel like I've been soooo busy the past two weeks that I've barely had time to breathe, let alone blog!

Basically, in this post I'm just going to share a few of the big updates in my life, and talk about some of the things I've been getting up to, so here it goes.

First update, (probably not that huge), is that I'm finally turning into a girl! Now, don't lets all start spreading rumours that I'm a male and have a hairy chest, but I have started acting more like a girl recently. I've suddenly had this massive burst of interest in all things make-up and I guess I kind of like this. I've never really been a massive fan of make up and always just worn little to nothing on my face, just because I could never be bothered. I started watching some YouTube videos of girls doing make-up and what the best products on the market were and I just decided it was something I wanted to experiment with. It's odd that I haven't had this before because I've worked in a 'drug store' for almost five years now and literally been surrounded by make-up products almost every weekend since I was sixteen. So, yes, that's update no1! If you see me now, I'm probably wearing eye primer and highlighter on my cheeks which sounds completely insane.

Now, probably the biggest update in my life at the moment is that I've finished Uni. I mentioned it at the start of this blog very briefly, but yes, it's now completely done. I don't think it's actually sunk in yet that I don't ever have to go to another lecture (hoorah!) because I've been spending time preparing for our end of year show and just generally being busy with life and stuff. It did kind of hit me today when I went back to the Uni building for the first time in nearly two weeks and it felt very weird. The building was really quiet because obviously most people have finished lectures now, but it sort of felt like I shouldn't have been there. I knowww that sounds completely ridiculous as I've been a student there for three years but I was almost waiting for someone to come and tell me off because I'm not technically a student anymore! I've mentioned a bit about Uni in a couple of my other blogs, and if you follow me on Twitter (@amyjcollins) you'll have probably seen my constant flow of tweets about Uni. It has been three of the toughest years I'll probably ever endure (which is probably why I've moaned so much), but it's also been the most exciting and eye opening experience of my life and I literally recommend it to EVERYONE. I've met the most amazing people over my time at Uni and I've also learned quite a lot as well (gladly!). Living away from home has really taught me A LOT of valuable life lessons and I've spent amazing times with some incredible people I'll never forget. (I would list them all, but I'll probably miss someone and don't want to offend. You all know who you are <3).

Third big life update is that I'm starting work experience tomorrow. I'm going to a Social and Mobile Media agency to learn more about what they do and how they work with high profile clients. I'm obviously blinking nervous about this but I honestly cannot contain my excitement. I'm buzzing to get out there into the world of work and because it's something I'm really keen to learn more about, I'm sure it'll be great fun. Social Media marketing and promotion is, I think, the future of marketing and promotion and it's definitely something I'm interested to get involved in and gain knowledge about.

Next thing, not something directly about me, but what is this weather playing at, eh?! I cannot believe that on Sunday afternoon I was having a barbeque with all my family at my grandparents house, and then today I got completely drenched by the rain walking 10 minutes home from town. It's insane. If there is someone who's borrowed the sun, please could we have it back? I miss it, and my bedroom is very cold because it's disappeared. Cheers.

So that's it really. Those are just some of the things going on in my life at the moment. I'm aware that they're not HUGELY exciting for other people but it's just a little insight into what's going on with me right now.

Thanks for stopping by <3.

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