Hiya Peeps!
Another University related post, I do apologise! I am trying to change things up a little bit by doing other posts for those of you who aren't interested in me constantly waffling on about Uni life and how much I miss it, so you can just skip over this one if you like!
I thought I'd write a quick post about Graduation but I'm going to keep it short and sweet because Ill probably end up crying the whole way through! I'm going to chuck in a few photos as well, but don't laugh at me in a weird hat and my 127367202047 chins.
Graduation day was one of the best, yet hardest days of my life. It was so amazing getting to be back with all my friends and laughing & smiling and having a catch up with brilliant people. There was so much pride and love in the University on the morning of the ceremony and it made me feel so good about myself and everyone else. I still can't believe I actually got there and managed to complete three years and I was honoured and overwhelmed to be graduating with some of the incredible people I've met over the past 3 years. As much as I had the best day, it was also so difficult for me. As most of you know, I am EXTREMELY emotional and goodbyes are the hardest thing ever. The reality hit me quite soon after I arrived at the Uni that a lot of the people that I was sharing the day with, I probably wouldn't see for a really long time, if ever again. I've made some really good friends at Uni and some people that I honestly will never forget. The phrase of the day soon became 'it's not goobye, it's just a see you later' and I'm really going to try and hold on to that.
The ceremony was actually totally different to what I expected and I really enjoyed it. I got to sit next to one of the funniest guys on my module (he probably won't see this, so can someone else let Alex know haha) and he made me laugh the whole way through. I know it's not supposed to be an event that's funny, but you know when you get in one of those giggling fits in completely the wrong environment...? Well that happened to us quite a few times.
The hardest part of the day for me though, was all the photo taking after the ceremony. It was the seeing of everyone's families, the saying goodbyes, the chucking of the caps, the talking about the old times that threw me over the edge though. It really bought it back to me that the University chapter of my life was coming to an end, and I'm just not sure I'm ready.
^^ My best friends in the whole world. I couldn't have got through the past three years without them, I love them! Ellie & Emma ^^
^^ My best friends in the whole world. I couldn't have got through the past three years without them, I love them! Ellie & Emma ^^
I've had the most amazing support from so many people and I know I say it all the time, but honestly, thank you so much. I hope a lot of my friends will read this and they know who they are when I say it. I couldn't possibly list everyone here because I'm a forgetful chap and I wouldn't want to offend anyone. I'm just gonna add some photos from Graduation day so not everyone will be included (sorry) but fear not, I'm working on a 'University in Picutres' post so I'm sure you'll feature in there!
^^ The fantastic four, and the ones that I owe everything to. Thank you Emma, Ellie and Chris. You're amazing humans ^^
^^ Neech and I obviously found something hilar! Love this diamond ^^
^^ Best friends and Beverages! Sophie, Emily and Neech. ^^
^^ My favourite Irish woman, Jayne Tennyson <3 ^^
^^ I have the best friends I could ever ask for. Jayne, Sophia and Dan ^^
^^ Mr Saville and I looking exceptionally beautiful. I have slightly edited my face before anyone gets agg and calls me out on it. ^^
^^ Bestest boy in life. Chris Willsdon, you have been a gem! ^^

^^ The fantastic four, and the ones that I owe everything to. Thank you Emma, Ellie and Chris. You're amazing humans ^^
^^ Neech and I obviously found something hilar! Love this diamond ^^
^^ Best friends and Beverages! Sophie, Emily and Neech. ^^
^^ My favourite Irish woman, Jayne Tennyson <3 ^^
^^ I have the best friends I could ever ask for. Jayne, Sophia and Dan ^^
^^ Mr Saville and I looking exceptionally beautiful. I have slightly edited my face before anyone gets agg and calls me out on it. ^^
^^ Bestest boy in life. Chris Willsdon, you have been a gem! ^^

^^ Class of 2013, I love you ^^
Emily, Sophia, Gwyneth, Joe, Julie, Jack, Emma and Sophie
Emily, Sophia, Gwyneth, Joe, Julie, Jack, Emma and Sophie
I love you all so much, thank you for everything.
Take care, stay beautiful and dream big!