Hello there,
It's me; I guess you could say I'm back. I've taken quite the hiatus from this blogging business for no reason what so ever but here's to starting again.
So here it goes...
I'm Amy. This is a picture of my face.
I am a self confessed Social Media addict with an unhealthy addiction to both Twitter and Instagram. I'm a Health and Beauty Sales Advisor, and more recently, a Barmaid in a Theatre bar.
Music is my escape; I'll listen to pretty much anything you put in my
headphones and find a way to be completely consumed by it. I like music. A lot. Music speaks to me on a completely different level; music inspires me.
I over use certain phrases and emojis but I assume it's something you'll get used to.
I like pasta more than I like most people, and getting lost in a novel is probably my favourite thing in the world. Music is my escape; I'll listen to pretty much anything you put in my headphones and find a way to be completely consumed by it.
I like One Tree Hill, Real Techniques make-up brushes, and boybands.
From here on in, I'm not sure what this blog will be about. Maybe I'll talk about music, maybe beauty or maybe it'll just be escape place. I don't really know yet. I just know that today I was inspired to write, and long may that continue. I want to write content that people want to read, but I also want to write content that I enjoy, so we'll see what happens.
All the best,
Music, ♥ & Diet Coke
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Monday, 24 February 2014
Music Monday - What I've Been Listening to This Week
Hello there,
So I guess it's been a frightfully long time since we've seen each other, and I take full responsibility for that. How are you? I've been having a mental few weeks trying to organise where I'm going with life, and as standard, I've let my writing slip. I regularly have this great thing called 'writer's block' and rather than just type something horrific and meaningless, I just stop writing, so sorry about that. It's difficult because sometimes I do have things I want to say, but often don't have the confidence to write them... So sorry about that!
Something I don't worry about writing about, though, is music. And I know a lot of people do this, but I thought I'd give you a little insight into what I've been listening to this week. I guess if people like this, I'll keep doing it, but in some ways it'll also be a nice little diary for me so I can look back and see what I was listening to a particular time.
First off, if you know anything about me at all, you'll know that I adore One Direction. I can't help it, it's happened, it's a thing and it's not going away. And I'm happy about that. This week I have been listening to an awful lot of One Direction, in particular their most recent album, Midnight Memories. I have the deluxe edition, and I just find it a really feel-good CD. You have a couple of classic ballads, but I've really been enjoying the upbeat numbers because they sound like summer.
Don't Forget Where You Belong is a favourite of mine because lyrically it's so beautiful. It was written by another group of my favourites, McFly, and you can tell. It sounds a lot like something they'd perform, and I think 1D do it justice very nicely. I've been loving Happily, Does He Know?, Little White Lies and Half a Heart this week.
Now it's been a while since we last saw anything from this guy, but Conor Maynard crept back into my life this week. Occasionally I will leave my iPhone on shuffle while I'm getting ready, and one morning four Conor Maynard tracks played in a row, which was unsuspected and actually quite odd. Apparently my iTunes wants new music from Conor as much as I do. I really loved his first album so I'm super excited to see what's next for him.
There have been a few tracks I've had on repeat this week. Sometimes a song will come on shuffle or I'll hear it on TV and I'll realise I've missed listening to it, or it's new and I become obsessed with it. Here are some I've been loving...
John Legend - All of Me
I heard it again on Dancing on Ice this weekend and fell back in love with it. It's such a beautiful song and I love the depth of John Legend's voice. I don't think there's a track of his that I dislike, purely just because I love his vocal on anything.
Karl X Johan - Never Leave Me
Occasionally I find myself going through my Shazam tags looking for music that I want to rediscover and I came across this. I can't remember how or when I originally found this song, but this week I've been loving it. It's chilled and I just fell in love with the beat.
Jonah Green - Cocoa Butter Kisses (Chance the Rapper cover)
I really like the original of this track, but I just adore what Jonah has done with it. I've been watching his videos for a long time, and I particularly like his covers, even though there aren't that many. It's a tough song to cover, but I think he's done it justice.
Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
Following his win at The BRIT awards last week, I've been listening to an awful lot Bruno. I was lucky enough to see him last year on his Moonshine Jungle tour at the o2 arena and he is honestly one of the best performers I've ever seen. He is a true showman with such passion for the industry, and his vocal performance is always right on point. His lyrics have the power to move me to tears, and often do, and that is a quality that not a lot of artists these days have. His music has the potential to lift a bad mood, send me to sleep or hype me up when I'm having an already brilliant day.
Thanks so much for sticking around for this one. I've really enjoyed writing about music this week, so I'd like this to be a thing. Maybe I'll do this every now again. I'm looking for new music to listen to at the moment, so help me out. I like most types of music, and I'm open to new things so give me a shout if you know of something I might be interested in.
Hope you're all well.
Take care, stay beautiful and dream big.
Thanks for stopping by,
There have been a few tracks I've had on repeat this week. Sometimes a song will come on shuffle or I'll hear it on TV and I'll realise I've missed listening to it, or it's new and I become obsessed with it. Here are some I've been loving...
John Legend - All of Me
Karl X Johan - Never Leave Me
Jonah Green - Cocoa Butter Kisses (Chance the Rapper cover)
Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
Thanks so much for sticking around for this one. I've really enjoyed writing about music this week, so I'd like this to be a thing. Maybe I'll do this every now again. I'm looking for new music to listen to at the moment, so help me out. I like most types of music, and I'm open to new things so give me a shout if you know of something I might be interested in.
Hope you're all well.
Take care, stay beautiful and dream big.
Thanks for stopping by,
bruno mars,
conor maynard,
john legend,
jonah green,
karl x johan,
music monday,
one direction,
Saturday, 18 January 2014
50 Random Questions | @amyjcollins
Hello friends,
I know it's not been long since I last posted, but I'm super bored on this Saturday evening because I'm ill and have no friends and thought I might as well channel my brain somewhere (slightly) productive.
I know it's not been long since I last posted, but I'm super bored on this Saturday evening because I'm ill and have no friends and thought I might as well channel my brain somewhere (slightly) productive.
I'm being really lazy (sorry!) and doing yet another tag post! It's pretty text heavy, but yeah! I hope you like it and maybe you'll learn a little something about me. I also tag any of you who write your own blogs to give this a go and let me know you've done it so I can learn a bit more about you. This also feels very 2008 and extremely MySpace, woohoo, CHILDHOOD! Let's get started...
- Where were you 3 hours ago? Three hours ago I would have just been finishing work and heading to Tesco... Such a fun life.
- Who are you in love with? My family and friends... And Harry Styles.
- Have you ever eaten a crayon? I think everyone's eaten a crayon at some point, haven't they? And if you're sat there saying you haven't... you're lying.
- Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Shampoo bottle, face wash, sports bottle, Superdrug carrier bag and a One Direction toothbrush.
- When is the last time you went to the mall? I work in a mall, so today.
- Are you wearing socks right now? Yaaaaaaaas.
- Does your family have a car worth over $2,000? We have two cars.
- When was the last time you drove out of town? I don't drive.
- Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? I was supposed to go yesterday, but didn't in the end which sucks.
- Are you hot? Smokin' baby.
- What was the last thing you had to drink? DIET COKE, duh.
- What are you wearing right now? Black leggings and a grey Hype sweater.
- Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? I don't have a carrrr :(.
- Last food that you ate? Nanny Mave's Slimming World Shepherd's Pie and it was fricking awesome.
- Where were you last week at this time? Probably the same place I am now... In bed watching trashy YouTube videos and dreaming about pizza.
- Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? No clothing, just phone cases and make-up!
- When is the last time you ran? On Wednesday evening in Insanity class.
- What’s the last sporting event you watched? I just caught the end of Aston Villa v Liverpool when I got in from work.
- What is your favorite animal? I love pigs and elephants. I also really like French Bulldogs. They're so cuuute and I want one so bad.
- Your dream vacation? I'm super desperate to get to Dubai or Hawaii. They're both places I'd like to visit before I die. Obviously for any of you who know me, you know I really want to get to LA, but I look at that more as a long term thing rather than a holiday.
- Last person’s house you were in? My own.
- Worst injury you’ve ever had? I broke my leg when I was like two. My friend and I were jumping on a bed and I fell off. I was in plaster from my ankle to my thigh when my little sister was born. Here's a photo!
- Have you been in love? No.
- Do you miss anyone right now? I miss all of my Uni friends every day. I have a best friend called Aidan who lives in Ireland and I miss him more than words could ever begin to describe. I miss my sister when she's at Uni, but we talk every day which makes it easier.
- Last play you saw? It was called 'Whose Coat is that Jacket?' and it was in Cardiff. It was actually a lot better than I was expecting and I recommend it to all of you!
- What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? My extreme awkwardness and my innate ability to constantly make a complete fool of myself :).
- What are your plans for tonight? Sleep for the longest time, although in reality I'll be awake until 3am on Tumblr.
- Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment? I actually went on MySpace to check this, but it wouldn't let me view my old messages. I miss MySpace, though man.
- Next trip you are going to take? I'm planning a trip to Florida in late March at the moment. It's all money dependent but I really hope I can make it happen. I've been so desperate to get back to the US for the longest time, so I'm super excited!
- Ever go to camp? I went on Brownie camp about three times when I was younger. I literally loved it so much! I wish I'd been American so I could have gone to Summer Camp every year growing up. I've been thinking a lot about doing Camp America this year or next, so watch this space!
- Were you an honor roll student in school? I was not.
- What do you want to know about the future? If I should be as afraid of developing technologies as I am. The digital future both excites me and petrifies me. The thought of robots and what not really freaks me out. Other than that, I'd rather not know.
- Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? I'm currently wearing Paco Rabanne Lady Million.
- Are you due sometime this year for a doctor’s visit? Hopefully not.
- Where is your best friend? My best friends are all over the place, but I imagine they're all in their respectable homes at the moment.
- How is your best friend? I think they're all pretty good, thanks!
- Do you have a tan? I really don't and the though alone is heartbreaking. Take me back to this tan please. I want summer all over again!
- What are you listening to right now? Jacks Mannequin - The Resolution
- Do you collect anything? I actually collect Mugs. It's a crazy thing for me to collect actually as I don't drink any kind of hot drink, but I've been collecting now for about 8 years. Every time I enter the Disney store, I leave with a new one. I bought my latest because I love Sebastian, but also because the quote is just super cute!
- Who is the biggest gossiper you know? Probably myself and all of my friends.
- Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? Literally never.
- Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Quite a few times, actually.
- What does your last text message say? 'We are the famous CFC x x x' This was from my Dad ahead of Chelsea's clash with Man Utd tomorrow.
- Do you like hot sauce? No, no, no, NEVER.
- Last time you took a shower? I had a bath this morning.
- Do you need to do laundry? Just did some.
- What is your heritage? Oh god, so boring. English and Welsh. No fun in me.
- Are you someone’s best friend? I'd like to hope so, yeah.
- Are you rich? Today I was ecstatic that my food shopping came to less than £10 because it meant I wouldn't be struggling all week for money. I think that answers your question, haha.
- What were you doing at 12AM last night? Watching TV with my Mom and Brother.
So there we've established that I'm extremely boring and apparently have nothing better to do with my time. I hope you've learned some positively useless information about me. Like I said before, I tag you all to answer this on your blogs and link me to it in the comments. I promise at some point soon I'm going to write something of purpose and meaning, but for the time being please take these filler posts as me making an effort even at times of torrential writer's block.
Thanks so much for stopping by,
Take care, stay beautiful, dream big.
50 random questions,
best friends,
diet coke,
next chapter,
Monday, 13 January 2014
New Year Tag || Better Late Than Never
Hello wonderful people,
I'm suffering from a severe case of writers block (nothing new there) and decided instead of writing something new for you this week, I'd head over to my drafts and look at the very few random ideas I've had. This was something I intended to post a little earlier in the month, but I guess it just slipped my mind. I'm going to give it to you anyway, because I'm super kind, but also because 'tag' posts are super easy for when you're out of creativity. Enjoy!
1. What did you do in 2013 that you'd never done before?
I graduated University and that's something I'd never done before, hah! But in all seriousness, I think I put more effort into things. I've always been a 'sit back and relax' kind of person, and never really worked too hard for what I want, but in 2013, I really upped the ante. I started saving (horray, America) and properly started looking for a full time job. I don't have one yet, neither do I have enough money to go to America, but I'm still working towards them both so roll on 2014! I've also put a lot more effort into friendships because they're so few and far between as you get older, and I want to keep as many amazing people around me as possible!
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I think my resolution for 2013 was to cut back on Diet Coke, and well, I didn't stick to that one at all.
3. What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
A successful relationship. And dreams that I actually follow through. In 2013, I set myself a lot of goals that were super unrealistic and I always felt down on myself when I didn't achieve them. For this year, I've made plans that are achievable and I have so much to look forward to if I can stick to it.
4. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I've said it a million times on here, but probably graduating Uni. It was a huge thing for me because, towards the end especially, I really didn't think I was going to do it. In my third year, I sort of became a nervous, awkward hermit and I didn't enjoy going to class or being a student. Obviously everyone has good and bad days, but I was super proud that I did it!
5. What was the best thing you bought?
A money bank that can't be opened. In fairness, I have opened it now because I do have something that I'm physically saving for and in reality I need to know where I'm at with money, but it actually meant I've saved a lot more than I thought I would be able to.
6. What was your favorite TV program?
In 2013, I started watching Glee and it's fast taken over my life. I absolutely adore anything related to musical theatre so when my friend Ellie introduced me to it, I was hooked. Now I'm back home from Uni, I have a few guy friends who are also obsessed with it and we sometimes have marathon Glee sessions. Don't judge us, we're amazing.
7. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
For the longest time I've battled with lack of self confidence and self belief. I don't think I'm good enough to achieve things which in turn makes me lazy and I don't strive for greatness as much as I possibly should. In 2013, I made had so many dreams and didn't stick to them, but it's only spurred me on to do more in 2014 and in years to come. In 2013 (with some help from good friends and Keep it Bright), I learned that no matter what life throws at you, if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can achieve great things, and you will.
So there you have it. I hope this isn't too much like my 2013 recap and I do hope you enjoy it. Why don't you answer one of the questions above and leave it in the comments?!
Thank you so much for stopping by,
Take care, stay beautiful and dream big!
All the love in the world,
diet coke,
keep it bright,
new year,
new year tag,
tv show
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
2013; A quick recap and some (probably unrealistic) hopes for 2014!
Hiya Peeps!
So as 2013 draws to a close, I thought what better way to celebrate my final post of the year than recapping everything that's happened in my life. For the most part it's been a pretty good year and I've had amazing people around me, but 2013 hasn't been all fabulous. Despite that, I've learned a hell of a lot, hung out with some amazing people and I've smiled almost all the way through. So without further ado, here's what happened to me in 2013... (And I'm sorry it's not in chronological order, I'm painfully lazy!).
Possibly the biggest and most talked about thing for me this year was when I graduated University back in July. I know it was 6 months ago now, and I haven't really stopped going on about it, but I actually still can't believe it happened. I've blogged about it a lot and you can check that out here, here & here and if you want to see the exact moment I 'officially' became a graduate, skip to 0.55 of this video and listen to my family scream at me... I won't talk too much about it because I've already said way too much, but I had the most amazing time with some really incredible people who I can't thank enough. I learned so much about my future, but also about myself as a person, so good job Cardiff, you treated me well.
After I finished studying, I was also lucky enough to land myself my first real bit of work experience with Social and Mobile Media agency, Coup Media. It's also something I've spoken about already on my blog and you can read more about it here, but like being at University, I learned so much while I was with them, and it's only made my passion for Social Media grow, so cheers guys!
2013 was also the year that I started to take blogging seriously. Now I know what you're all thinking... 'Amy, you haven't taken it that seriously, you haven't posted in about a month' and you're right. Towards the end of the year I have been slacking, but I promise you, 2014 is our year! I hit 2000 views which is absolutely huge for me, so thank you to everyone who's read previous posts or is reading now. Whether you've read all of my waffle from the beginning or whether this is your first time on my blog, thank you! And while we're on the Social Media topic, I also wrote my 20,000th tweet in 2013. A lot of you will say that this is because I don't have a life, but I think it's just because I have a lot to say, and I really like the internet. Tyler Oakley also followed and then unfollowed me this year, but I'm keeping this in because I'm so sad that it's no longer a reality.
For me, this year was a big year for music. I'm not necessarily talking about artists that have broken through into the top 100 or that have kick-started their careers, but I'm talking about music that I have discovered this year, and artists that I've been lucky enough to see live. Artists like SoMo, Kid Ink, Jay Loftus and Lewis Mokler have had my heart this year when it comes to discovering new talent. I also happen to have a love affair with Little Mix, Union J and Wiz Khalifa this year. I've been lucky enough to see some of my favourite artists this year including Hoodie Allen, Tyler Hilton, Bruno Mars, Ellie Goulding and Mcfly, among others! Music has spoken to me a lot in 2013 and pulled me through so much. I'm starting to realise that I think I love music more than people.
2013 is also the year of McBusted, and I honestly couldn't be more excited about it. I'm going to be seeing them in 2014 with my sister, and I'm super stoked. I've been wanting McFly and Busted to collab again for a really long time so I can't wait to be a part of it. It's also the year of the first McBaby and that's another thing that is super amazing. Being part of a fandom for such a long time, you really feel it when things like this happen and I just know he or she is going to be the coolest and most spoiled kid of all time!
Oh and for those of you who know, you'll now how hard the next two things were for me. Lent came around and I really wanted to have a good stab at it this year. I always give up things that I can't stick to, but this year I was going to push myself. I drink A LOT of Diet Coke and my Uni friends thought contracting me to give it up for 40 days would be a laugh. I knew it would be the hardest thing ever, but I decided to give it a whirl... And I actually stuck to it. And on the last day of Lent, I bought a crate of 30 cans of the gorgeous, fizzy, sugar free goodness and haven't looked back since. I also battled with my weight a lot throughout 2013. My anxiety got really bad, and in turn I think I got really lazy and just put on a lot of weight. I also think being in the University environment doesn't help when everyone around you can eat whatever they want and it goes to your thighs, rather than theirs. However, I have also lost a lot of weight this year. So far I've lost about 2 stone and in 2014, I hope to lose more. I've been at a bit of a standstill for a while so am looking for a bit of extra inspiration to push my weightloss in the new year!
Looking ahead to 2014, I have a lot of dreams and things I want to achieve. All of this year, and most of my life I've talked about my love affair with the USA. I am 100% certain I was born on the wrong continent, and this is something I want to work on over the next year and many more to come. I want to spend some time in America, whether that's a two week holiday or a three travelling trip, I'm going to do it. Ideally I want to hit up Florida before the summer, Los Angeles in October and New York for xmas. All probably completely unrealistic, but if I even manage to achieve one of those I'll be a happy little soul. America has had my heart since I was 11 years old, and I can't wait to get back.
I've mentioned it already, but I want to get to my goal weight in 2014. I'm not going to tell you how much I weigh now, but ideally, I want to weight 5lbs less than Harry Styles which I believe is 11stone. My friends know the reason why, but I'm not going into it on the internet. And when I get to that weight I want to maintain it. It's one thing to lose weight, but to stay there is the hard bit, so hopefully I can do it!
I also hope that 2014 will be my year for luck in Love. Everyone I know is going to be freaking out about this because for the longest time I've been happy being single, and I still am but I guess I'm ready for someone to cuddle and eat Nandos with while watching trashy TV (soooo vommy I know, and I almost hate myself for writing it). I'm not asking for much though, so maybe Harry Styles will see my potential in 2014 and fall madly in love with me.
So that's it. Thank you so much if you've lasted until the end of this post and thank you all for sticking by me this year. 2013 has been a pretty good one, but I'm almost certain that next year is going to be even better. 2014 is MY year. All of my Social Media links are in the side bar so come chat to me, I'm nice enough. Tweet me or tell me in the comments, what are your plans for 2014?
Thanks again for stopping by,
Take care, Stay Beautiful and Dream Big (especially in 2014!)
All the love in the world,
diet coke,
new me,
new year,
thank you!,
tyler oakley,
weight loss,
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
I'm back! | Figuring Out Where I'm Going in Life - The Next Chapter
Hiya Peeps!
I know it's been a super long time since I've been here, but please don't judge me, I've been super busy trying to figure a few things out and now I'm (hopefully) back for good. Setting myself a goal to post on a weekly basis on a certain day and time was obviously something that I wasn't going to be able to stick to, so I'm sorry for that also!
As you may know, in July this year I graduated from The University of Glamorgan (now The University of South Wales) with a 2:1 in Media Production (I know, I still can't really believe it either!). Throughout the whole of my third year I didn't really think about what I was going to do after graduation, I guess I just focused on the work and holding onto the University lifestyle. I always knew that the time would come when it would all be over and I'd have to start looking for a job, but I tried to block it out. I'm one of those people who haven't figured out what I want to do yet, so actually getting my head down and applying for stuff scared the living wits out of me.
Since I was able to get my hands on a computer with internet access, I've been a little bit addicted to Social Media. Don't laugh, I was even on Habbo Hotel and Neopets (and if you don't know what those are, I'm judging you!). During my third year at Uni, Social Media really became my thing, and I knew that it was what I wanted to do as a career. The whole Social Media movement excites me and watching how everything and everyone is moving online is fascinating. People use the internet so much in their every day lives and it's an industry that's moving so quickly, I can't see it ever being boring. When I finished Uni, I was lucky enough to land an internship with a Social and Mobile Media Agency in Newport and it completely changed my life. Being there, I learned so much and my passion for the business only grew more. I wanted to work in Community Managment and I wanted to spend all of my time online.
I've since moved home to Essex, and finding a full time job is proving more difficult that I had hoped. Everyone told us it wasn't going to be easy, but I never ever anticipated that it could be this stressful. It's hard because everything you apply for asks for more experience than I have, but how am I ever supposed to get experience when no one will take a chance on me? I know my industry is a difficult one to get into and everyone is in the same boat, but I sometimes question where I'm going wrong. I have a part-time job which has been a lifesaver for me, but I can't help but look at where I am now and see that I'm in exactly the same spot I was in before I acquired my degree. It's really hard to be upbeat about the future when you literally have no clue where you're going in life, or really where you want to be.
Last week I made the trip back to Cardiff where I studied to catch up with some of my friends and family, and my FMP lecturer from Uni. Going back was one of the strangest things I've ever experienced and being back in The Atrium was even weirder. I drove past where I lived, and went back to the place where I graduated and couldn't help but feel the huge lump in throat that it was all really over. I went back to my University to meet one of good friends who was also my FMP lecturer, Julie, and that was the strangest part. Being back in the building where I studied for three years didn't feel like home anymore. On one hand, I wouldn't have found it strange if my friends had walked in and we'd have gone to lectures, but on the other, I couldn't help but notice that it wasn't my life anymore. There were hundreds of people around me and not one of them knew who I was or that I'd even studied there before. Speaking to Julie, though, has made me feel a lot better about things. First, she gave me a kick up the backside about not blogging (probably why I'm back!) but she also helped me to feel okay about the fact that I'm not sure where I'm going yet. She reassured me that most people are in the same situation and as long as I have dreams and aspirations I'll get there one day soon. Seeing my best friends from Uni really brought it all home to me that most of us really are the same. We spent so long sharing all of our memories and I was so grateful to see them all again, but it was also so nice knowing that we all believe in each other. I think the Uni Glam Class of 2013 are the best yet!
I've been thinking a lot recently about what the next step is for me. It's hard knowing that my University life is over, but that's not then end of my story. I've got so much more that I want to achieve and so many things that I want to see that I'm not giving up on. While a career is so extremely important to me, I've also decided that I might want to travel a bit. If you know me well, you'll know that I've always said I was born on the wrong side of the pond. My heart belongs to America, and even though I've only been there twice, I cannot wait to get back. I've decided that I NEED to go back. I want to spend part of next summer in Los Angeles, but that all depends on what I'm doing career wise at the point. I'm still applying for Social Media and PR & Marketing jobs every day in the hope that something will come along real soon. I guess I don't have a finalised goal of where I want to be. I don't know if I'll stay here in the UK or if I will make it to the US, who knows?! All I know is that I have great people around me, a degree that I'm proud of and the power to be whoever I want to be. I have no limits. I'm lucky enough to have the most supportive family and friends out there, and I know they'll be there for me whatever I do in life.
I guess this is really a post for anyone who's in the same position as me, or for someone at Uni or someone who's thinking about going. It's a post for my family and friends, but it's also a post for me. It's good to talk about what you're going through and hopefully this way I'll find even more people that can relate to my experience.
I know this is kind of a serious post but I do also want to keep this blog light-hearted and fun to be a part of. I'm going to keep blogging about life after University, but I also want to keep the Beauty and Tag theme around. What do you want to see me talk about next time? Pleaseee give me suggestions because they're really helpful at moments of severe writers block, but I also want to write stuff that you want to read! Just tweet me @amyjcollins or comment any ideas that you have! There are plenty of other Social Media sites where you can grab me as well, links are all in the sidebar. I hope you're still enjoying my blog and I'll see you very soon!
Thanks so much for stopping by, all the love in the world,
Take care, stay beautiful and dream big!
best friends,
next chapter,
social media,
work experience
Sunday, 15 September 2013
August Favourites - Oopsie, it's the middle of September!
Hiya Peeps!
Happy Sunday! I'm back with another post, finally! I know it's a little late but I'm going with my August favourites.
I've actually had quite a few favourites last month but I'm still loving a lot of stuff from July. I apologise in advance for the poor images. I'm taking the photos at the moment on my iPhone and they're not brilliantly edited or great quality, but hey ho!
Maybelline Baby Lips
I'm sure that these have been released in the US for quite a long time but they came to the UK last month. I was sooo excited to try them because there was so much hype around them and they definitely didn't disappoint. I have them in two colours (Peach Kiss and Cherry Me) and I really like them both. The red colour is super pigmented for a lip balm so you can really see it on my lips. I love the Peach shade for when I'm going for a more natural look or if I'm wearing really simple make-up. I would definitely recommend these for younger girls who are experimenting with make-up as they're a cheap alternative to a lipstick and aren't as heavy.
I'm sure that these have been released in the US for quite a long time but they came to the UK last month. I was sooo excited to try them because there was so much hype around them and they definitely didn't disappoint. I have them in two colours (Peach Kiss and Cherry Me) and I really like them both. The red colour is super pigmented for a lip balm so you can really see it on my lips. I love the Peach shade for when I'm going for a more natural look or if I'm wearing really simple make-up. I would definitely recommend these for younger girls who are experimenting with make-up as they're a cheap alternative to a lipstick and aren't as heavy.
Kate Moss Rimmel Lipsticks
Like I said in my July favourites, I've never been a real wearer of lipstick. I've been experimenting more and recently tried the Kate Moss range from Rimmel. I bought one colour from each of her ranges and actually wear them both an awful lot. I have shade 1 from the Lasting Finish range which is a gorgeous bright red colour. This is something I NEVER thought I'd wear, but I really love it. It works so well for evening make-up, but I really like wearing it in the day for a burst of colour when I've gone for really simple make-up. The second I have is from the matte collection is called Soft Pink (no 16?) and is a great colour for everyday wear. A definite must have in your collection.

Like I said in my July favourites, I've never been a real wearer of lipstick. I've been experimenting more and recently tried the Kate Moss range from Rimmel. I bought one colour from each of her ranges and actually wear them both an awful lot. I have shade 1 from the Lasting Finish range which is a gorgeous bright red colour. This is something I NEVER thought I'd wear, but I really love it. It works so well for evening make-up, but I really like wearing it in the day for a burst of colour when I've gone for really simple make-up. The second I have is from the matte collection is called Soft Pink (no 16?) and is a great colour for everyday wear. A definite must have in your collection.
Natural Collection Blush -Dusky Pink
I tried this blush just by chance and was so impressed because it was super cheap! It was only like £1.99 and it's super pigmented. This shade is so great for everyday wear and gives my cheeks the very slight, pink blush that I need to look healthy.
I tried this blush just by chance and was so impressed because it was super cheap! It was only like £1.99 and it's super pigmented. This shade is so great for everyday wear and gives my cheeks the very slight, pink blush that I need to look healthy.
Wearing My Hair Tied Up
I know this really won't apply to any of you, and this isn't really something you can try off the back off my recommendation, but all throughout August, I loved wearing my hair up. During some parts of the month it was just sooo hot and virtually impossible to wear my hair down and I eventually really started liking the way my hair looked when it was up. But yeah, just wanted to put this in. It's not really relevant to you guys but yeah haha.
Hoodie Allen
All through August I was completely obsessed by this man. For those of you who don't know who Hoodie is, he's an American rapper. If you're not familiar with his music, you should definitely check his music out. All of his EP's are available for free download on his website so go get them! I was lucky enough to see him in London at the start of September and it's been one of my favourite shows to date. Yeah, just go check him out.
I know this really won't apply to any of you, and this isn't really something you can try off the back off my recommendation, but all throughout August, I loved wearing my hair up. During some parts of the month it was just sooo hot and virtually impossible to wear my hair down and I eventually really started liking the way my hair looked when it was up. But yeah, just wanted to put this in. It's not really relevant to you guys but yeah haha.
Hoodie Allen

All through August I was completely obsessed by this man. For those of you who don't know who Hoodie is, he's an American rapper. If you're not familiar with his music, you should definitely check his music out. All of his EP's are available for free download on his website so go get them! I was lucky enough to see him in London at the start of September and it's been one of my favourite shows to date. Yeah, just go check him out.
Slimming World
Now, as some of you will know from previous posts of mine, I've been trying to lose some of the many extra pounds I've got hanging around. I decided to give Slimming World a go with my nan (woooo!) and I'm actually really impressed with the results. I've actually lost a stone and 4lbs now, and I know I've still got a long way to go, but I'm happy with how it's going so far. The diet itself doesn't make sense and I still don't really understand how it actually works, but it does! I'm really trying to keep it up because I'm finally starting to see results. If you're looking for a way of losing a bit of weight, I really would recommend Slimming World. It's a lot easier than it looks and it really does work.
Now, as some of you will know from previous posts of mine, I've been trying to lose some of the many extra pounds I've got hanging around. I decided to give Slimming World a go with my nan (woooo!) and I'm actually really impressed with the results. I've actually lost a stone and 4lbs now, and I know I've still got a long way to go, but I'm happy with how it's going so far. The diet itself doesn't make sense and I still don't really understand how it actually works, but it does! I'm really trying to keep it up because I'm finally starting to see results. If you're looking for a way of losing a bit of weight, I really would recommend Slimming World. It's a lot easier than it looks and it really does work.
Peach Sprite
This is more of just a side note really as I've only actually had this once during August. I met up with my friend Ben (@Ben_Tarrant) in London and we went for lunch at Five Guys. If you haven't been there and you like burgers, just go. You won't regret it. But yeah, in there they have these immense drinks machines where you can basically put any flavour into any soft drink and it's craaaazy! I went with peach Sprite and it was b-e-a-utiful. I know that it's not something that's readily available in the UK, but what about in the US or the other countries that you're reading from. If you have peach flavoured Sprite in your country, please let me know!

This is more of just a side note really as I've only actually had this once during August. I met up with my friend Ben (@Ben_Tarrant) in London and we went for lunch at Five Guys. If you haven't been there and you like burgers, just go. You won't regret it. But yeah, in there they have these immense drinks machines where you can basically put any flavour into any soft drink and it's craaaazy! I went with peach Sprite and it was b-e-a-utiful. I know that it's not something that's readily available in the UK, but what about in the US or the other countries that you're reading from. If you have peach flavoured Sprite in your country, please let me know!
But that's pretty much it. There are quite a few things that I've already fallen in love with in the month of September, so you have next month's favourites to look forward to, and they're coming a lot sooner than this one did.
For next week, I kind of want to sign my post over to you guys. If you've got anything that you'd like me to talk about please let me know in the comments below or drop me a tweet @amyjcollins and I'll do my best to give it a try! I also really want to do a review week real soon where people ask me to review products / things and I give my honest opinion on a different thing each day. Again, let me know if you have any ideas.
As always, thanks so much for stopping by.
Take care, stay beautiful and dream big!
All the love in the world,
As always, thanks so much for stopping by.
Take care, stay beautiful and dream big!
All the love in the world,
baby lips,
best friend,
five guys,
hoodie allen,
kate moss,
natural collection,
slimming world,
weight loss
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